Have you booked your Free Call? How to Prepare

Your first meeting with Ray will begin with a free Awareness call – Every client who gets on a life changing program always starts here – Afterall, we need to make sure that we are a good fit for each other.
Although I say consultation call, this meeting can be over video chat or can be done in the studio found in Rancho Cucamonga.
It’s best to book your call at least 24 hours in advance to be sent forms that will make your first meeting with Ray more impactful for you – I want to learn what hasn’t been working for you, where you at now, and what are your goals that excite you – Don’t have any goals? We can work on that together too.
What others enjoy is they get to talk through their challenges instead of someone telling them what to do. By the end of the talk, you’ll leave with more confidence and action steps you can use to start feeling better today – even if you don’t sign up for a program.
Here are some questions I may ask
•Is your health currently getting better, worse or staying the same? How do you know?
•What might it cost you if you don’t significantly improve your lifestyle and any underlying contributors to compromise health? (For example: vitality, longevity, joy, happiness, peace of mind, future physical independence, current and/or future relationships, career effectiveness, etc.)
•What is the present level of commitment to change the underlying causes of problem(s) which relate to your lifestyle? on a scale from 1-10
•Who would be willing to support you in your health goals?
I remember a recent client shared that no other health pro has her questions like these.
How do I book a call?
To get on my schedule is simple.
You can use this link to set up a call.
I’ll reach out soon to send you your forms and ask if you want to meet in studio or online.