Real people. Real Results

See how Awareness Training has helped it's clients reach their fitness goals

Kristine P.

I've been working with Ray for over 3 years now, before we started I had no idea where training was going to take me. When I look back at old photos I felt I looked really good and I was feeling good, but when I compare that to how I look now and how I feel now, I'm way more toned and I feel much stronger than I ever have before.

Prior to Awareness Training, group classes weren't doing it for me, I needed something more individualized, that's when I reached out to Ray.

With the questionnaires, I was very impressed because I recognized he wasn't giving everybody the same cookie cutter advice, this information was applicable to me and my body. I've never had that level of attention in my training before. I made more progress in 30 days with Ray then I had any other method in years!

What other people who are interested in coaching should know is that Ray's service is very interactive, he's coached me on how to perform exercises correctly, many of which I didn't know I was doing with incorrect form, which explained my back pain during squats.

The workouts are to the individual. Having a home gym with minimal equipment Ray was able to customize a workout to my needs. The online training program has been of great help during quarantine when I needed help with exercise. Being a business owner, I appreciated getting that mental break during our sessions and Ray helped me structure my time to work with my schedule

I never knew how involved coaching could be, coach Ray takes his job seriously. He is always giving feedback, to me that has been most valuable. The things he has taught me I have been excited to share with friends and family.

Thinking about it now, without my training, I don't think I'd be able to carry my son Lucas, when you have a son who is bolting out of the store with a candy bar in his hand, to catch him you have to be in pretty good shape! Also when he copies me in what I do, I know he his is seeing me practice healthy habits, ones that I want him to carry with him in life.

kristine p
kristina b

Kristina B.

As a mother of 3 kids, ages 4 and under, life can be pretty busy and chaotic. I used to workout at the gym 5-6 days a week but was never to able to reach my desired weight goal until I spoke to Coach Ray and signed up for his program. He helped me realize the bigger picture and the importance of healthier food choices and how it can really make an impact on your body and how you feel.


I started to notice physical changes and felt more energized. Coach Ray makes a monthly fitness/ workout plan specific for your goals and is always there to answer any questions or to suggest any modifications if a movement is too hard or too easy. He also does sessions via zoom or FaceTime or whatever your online preferences may be, which is a plus since you can get a great workout with him encouraging you to push harder and not give up, all in the comfort and safety of your own home. He is someone I enjoy sharing my fitness and well-being journey with. He is friendly, encouraging, motivating, passionate, and cares deeply in helping those to live a longer, stronger, healthier life.

Sharon M.

When I met Ray I was at a crossroads. I had worked over 30 years as a chiropractor helping other people, while doing a lot of martial arts and cycling. All of this had taken a toll on my whole body. I was stiff and in pain all day, every day. I was shrinking in height and starting to feel weaker and unsteady in balance. I no longer wanted to be friends with myself! I knew that once I retired, I could just rest, give up being active and put my body out to pasture like they do an old horse. Instead, I decided to trust Ray and to be held accountable. That meant admitting that, as much wisdom as I had earned in my 61 years so far, I did not know everything, or even practice everything I know!

Ray used a detailed assessment process to design a program of corrective stretches and exercises for me. He continued to monitor and modify the program every few days to make sure that I could progress without hurting myself. I did not feel judged about the state I was in, as he has a calm and caring way about him.

Three months later, I am waking up excited every day to see what I can do, physically. I can go run, hike and cycle without "paying for it" the following day. I have regained 1/2" of height so far. A long season of brain fog is lifting, so I can read and concentrate better too. To me, there is nothing more important than investing in good health. When I am at my best, I have so much more to give to others.

Thank you, Ray, for what you have done for me and my family.

sharon m


"My experience with Raymond has been phenomenal. He is constantly learning about the human body, mind and spirit.  I enjoyed the way he coached me through exercises with patience and attention to detail. You can feel he truly loves why he does and care about your well-being. I highly recommend Raymond’s services for anyone who is looking improve their health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually." - Enqing


"Coach Ray has helped me to get the strongest and fittest that I have been in nearly 10 years. I have always been intimidated by strength training, and working with Coach Ray has helped me to build muscle, strength, and confidence that I can exercise without injuring myself. I generally have poor posture, and often have difficulty being aware of form when exercising. Coach Ray's gentle guidance has been essential in helping me exercise in a "healthy" way. I have also noticed that since I've started working out with Coach Ray, I have been experiencing less tension in my neck and shoulders. He also focuses on the importance of nutrition, sleep, and mindset when it comes to building a healthy lifestyle. I would definitely recommend him to any family members and friends who are looking to make a positive change." - Andrea


Coach Ray is awesome! I have trained with Ray on 3 different occasions all with different goals in mind. He has helped me improve my form, become aware of my diet and the effects it has on my body, and most recently helped me address persisting shoulder pain. He works with you patiently and listens to your concerns regarding your bodies needs/pains. Ray is super friendly and has a very welcoming presence to him. His attitude is contagious and encouraging. I would definitely encourage anyone looking for a trainer to reach out and give Ray a call! - Celsa


"Sue and I want to share our 5 star experience with Ray Martinez. Our personal training experience was remarkable. Initially, Ray was very thorough in establishing base line physical and nutritional goals. As senior citizens, his training routine focused on core strength, stretching and mobility exercises. Most importantly for us was his professional and calm demeanor. He always made us comfortable with our training program, and monitored and adjusted as needed. He's a great listener. We loved our experience. Ray's given us the tools to continue our program as needed. Thank you Ray" - Jim


"Ray is naturally intuitive, sensitive, and mostly accommodating. Although, we were active adults most of our lives, we fell into a pattern of minimal exercise and eating somewhat healthy but not as consistent in our late 50's-60's). This pattern caught up with us as we aged and now we were met with medical health concerns. Instead of forcing a "do this, do that" regimented approach, Ray allows us to design a flexible program that focuses on our current needs day by day. Ray continues to educate and train himself in methods of meditation, stretching, cardio, and weight training. He teaches clients to listen to themselves and relay the information to him on a continual basis. This allows him to meet our needs and continue to train at the current level. Movement, breathing, stretching, cardio is all good as long as we show up and are present wherever we are at at that moment. Ray shows up at that moment" - Carla


"Ray has been invaluable in helping me get back to "normal" after surgery on my achilles tendon. I needed help with some postural issues and an exaggerated anterior pelvic tilt. First of all, Ray is probably the nicest person I have ever met. He is professional, kind and very responsive to feedback. He met me where I was and helped me take the steps necessary to heal and strengthen. I was not sure that I could get back to being fully active but he was able to help me achieve that and more. He has distilled in me some great habits and knowledge that I can take with me into other activities. I am enriched by his training." -Laurel


"I’ve been training with coach Ray for a month now and let me tell you I am feeling great!
Coach Ray focused on helping me achieve my goals and makes every session challenging (& somehow fun). My fitness has increased noticeably , became more comfortable with lifting heavier weights & generally push myself harder throughout each session. I actually look forward to my workouts." - Amani


Coach Ray assisted me with keeping a disciplined workout routine and sleep schedule. This is very difficult to do when you are juggling graduate school work and a job that demands your time late in the evenings. Additionally, he remained amazingly flexible with my nutritional needs, and work/life balance. I came to him during a very stressful time in my academic career (my dissertation writing phase). During this time, I needed to have a consistent workout routine in efforts to write daily and to finish my degree program strong. Hands down, I would NOT have made it through my dissertation without his personal training skills, which are innovative and adaptable in a way that I could easily practice his training tips at home. Finally, I struggle with depression, and one of the remedies for my mental stability is to continue practicing exercise routines and eating greener. Coach Ray showed me how to do this at every step of the way, allowing me to compile a journal, and talk my health challenges out. He is always available and very accessible (even when grocer shopping:-}). I would recommend him every time. - April


Coach Ray assisted me with keeping a disciplined workout routine and sleep schedule. This is very difficult to do when you are juggling graduate school work and a job that demands your time late in the evenings. Additionally, he remained amazingly flexible with my nutritional needs, and work/life balance. I came to him during a very stressful time in my academic career (my dissertation writing phase). During this time, I needed to have a consistent workout routine in efforts to write daily and to finish my degree program strong. Hands down, I would NOT have made it through my dissertation without his personal training skills, which are innovative and adaptable in a way that I could easily practice his training tips at home. Finally, I struggle with depression, and one of the remedies for my mental stability is to continue practicing exercise routines and eating greener. Coach Ray showed me how to do this at every step of the way, allowing me to compile a journal, and talk my health challenges out. He is always available and very accessible (even when grocer shopping:-}). I would recommend him every time. - April


"I have been training with Coach Ray since mid August. I have never felt as great physically as I do Now! I was your faithful runner, walker, hiker. I really thought that I was getting my complete workout this way. After doing resistant training for my first time with Coach Ray, I realized how wrong I was. My balance, coordination, energy level, and sleep has improved a great deal(I no longer have back pain and the tossing and turning has come to an end). I realized Now I'm giving my body that complete workout it so desperately needed" - Mayra


"My husband and I have been with coach Ray for about 2 months and we love the results we are getting... in one month my husband noticed a difference in our before and after pictures but we also notice a huge difference in our perspective of weight loss... It is not just about hard core workouts and diets but about healthy eating, stretching and balancing life.. I especially love his holistic and realistic approach to trying to achieve our goals... we are renovating our house and have to eat out most days and nights but we are able to use an Instapot and he suggested initially try using that once a week to have at least one home cooked meal.. I like the fact that he understands life happens but it’s how we make adjustments and even something so small like this will help us reach our goals... in these two short months of twice a training we have recruited 3 other people to join coach ray and they all love his personal training style... me and my husband feel less back strains when trying to lift heavy weights and are slowly learning ways to lessen our stressors, how to make healthy choices, and incorporate our workouts and mobility stretches everyday! We are so thankful for Coach Ray" - Irene


I started training with coach Ray and i’ve honestly never felt better!! I’ve always been active and up for an adventure; I like to swim, hike, rock climb, bike, run...i’ll always try anything at least once. HOWEVER, where i really struggled was with food. I tend to stuff myself when stressed and veggies/clean eating were nonexistent in my life prior to coach ray. coach ray showed me what small changes I can make to my eating habits and i’ve become a lot more aware of what I’m putting in my body. Making small swaps at first really makes a difference and ive never felt like I’m on a “diet” or that i can’t eat certain foods. working with coach Ray has made me change my mindset about food.

Another really great thing about coach ray is that he really listens to what you tell him about how your body is feeling. if, for example, you’re having back problems or knee issues, he finds alternatives that you can do so it takes the stress and pain off that area but you still get a good workout in. he’s always available if i have a question on how to do an exercise and he really goes above and beyond for his clients.  I really like working with him because it’s not just about weight or strength but he really encourages you to create a healthier life for yourself. 10/10 def recommend -Jasmine

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